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A King’s Pardon with Pirate James Lane (Special Presentation) | 12 min

The Pirate James Lane made a special appearance during our Marine Biology trip! This Caribbean pirate has a special message about forgiveness and redemption. CREDITS: Written and Performed by Michael Lane. Produced & Edited by Charlotte Fohner. Stock Music provided by mv_production, from Pond5 You might also like:

Where is Mount Sinai? Evidence of the Exodus #4 | 40 min

The Hebrews are now free from Pharaoh’s army and headed to Mount Sinai, also called Mount Horeb throughout the Bible. If you search online or in a variety of Bible atlases, you will find a dozen mountains identified as Mount Sinai. Which one is correct? One of the challenges with identifying locations from the past…

Where is the Red Sea Crossing? Evidence of the Exodus #3 | 65 min

We last left the Hebrews trapped on the beach between the sea and the Egyptian army. There are several locations that have been suggested for the crossing of the Red Sea and it is impossible to get a consensus on where the exact location was. We do have clues from scripture, archaeology, history, and even…

What is the Eye of the Needle from Matthew 19:24? | 30 min

Jesus states in Matthew 19:24 “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.” A popular explanation has claimed that the “eye off the needle” is an actual city gate and the parable is about entering the kingdom of…

How did the Hebrews Escape from Egypt? Evidence of the Exodus #2| 47 min

Ancient civilizations are always good at bragging about their victories and exploits on monuments, on buildings, and in documents. Not so much when it comes to disasters and failures. So what evidence is there for something as devastating as the plagues of Egypt? There is one discovery that gives us a possible insight into the…

Paul’s Christmas Story (Philippians 2:5-11) |28 min

The Christmas tradition in many churches and families is to open Luke or Mark and read the Christmas story we all know about the birth of Christ. But did you know the Christmas story can be found in another place? Christmas is more than just the birth of Jesus. There are some important doctrinal implications…

Who was the Pharaoh of the Exodus? Evidence of the Exodus #1 | 62 min

Who was the Pharaoh of the Exodus? The Bible never mentions the Pharaoh’s name, and some think the Exodus account may be more myth than history. However, the Bible does give us some clues on dates, locations, and events in the kingdom of Egypt. And although Egypt’s own timeline is contested, we can connect the…

Creation Clues [Main Page]

Creation Clues is an ongoing segment to help Christians know God through studying His handiwork in the world around us. This segment’s primary focus is on the crossroad between science, faith, and the Bible. Join us as we get to know our Creator through His Creation! Season 1

Why do leaves change color? Pigments! [Creation Clues] | 50 min

When fall comes the trees put on a wonderful show of color over several weeks. Have you ever wondered why this happens? Why do some colors appear before others? Why do some trees have certain colors? What is the purpose of trees losing their leaves? Why do evergreens not change color? These are some of…

Coppice & the story of Salvation [CREATION CLUES] | 8 min

An uprooted tree will typically die as its roots no longer bring water and nutrients into it. Coppice is a rare occurrence in which a dying tree can experience abundant life! This natural but rare phenomenon is a great illustration for our own spiritual condition. Without God, we are spiritually dead. We deserve death. But…

Logic & Design in Nature for evidence of God [Creation Clues] | 37 min

In this episode of Creation Clues we are looking at the concept of logic and design in nature and how it can show evidence of God. The dominant secular view is that everything came into existence by random chance. But does random create patterns and order? We know and can test that intelligence creates patterns…

What Lichens teach us about the Holy Spirit [Creation Clues] | 19 min

Lichens are a remarkable and unique specimen found all around the world, including your own backyard! Its design is a great example for Christians to understand the role of the Holy Spirit in our own life. Join Michael as we learn about this amazing creature and be encouraged in your walk with God! Creation Clues…

Basics of Christian Living | 28 – 64 min

This 10-part series is focused on how to be a Christian and practice daily Christian living according to God’s instructions through the Bible. This series includes how to do a Bible study, dealing with past sin, how to navigate dating and marriage, attending church, daily practices, offering, worship, prayer, and how to listen to God.…

David’s Guide to Leadership (Biblical Leadership) | 31-43 min

When it comes to Biblical leadership, or how to qualify church leadership, books like Nehemiah or 1 Timothy might come to mind. Lessons on Christian leadership can also be found in the book of 1 Samuel, following the story of David. This series will examine the early life of David where we can find many…

Solomonic Gates (Biblical Archaeology) | 47 min

Solomonic gates refers to the gates rebuilt by Solomon during his reign. Our modern ideas of gates are simple barriers to separate property, but gates served as much more in Old Testament times. City gates were very important points of communication, government, justice, and marketplaces. Biblical descriptions of these gates indicate that they were fairly…

Garden Of Gethsemane (Biblical Archaeology) | 10 min

The Garden of Gethsemane lies outside of the old city towards the lower side of the Mount of Olives. The modern garden you can visit today is much smaller than it was in the first century but the olive industry is still alive and well. There are a few trees in this garden that might…

Hadrian’s Inscription at the Double Gate (Biblical Archaeology) | 7 min

Before the Dome of the Rock we see today, there was another temple built on the Temple Mount aside from the Jewish Temple. This temple was built by the roman Hadrian and for a long time there was no archaeological evidence besides a few historical records. However the modern walls of the Temple mount give…

The Baptisms of Pentecost (Biblical Archaeology) | 7 min

Pentecost marks the explosion of the faith among the Jews in Jerusalem. Acts 2:41 tells us that three thousand people were baptized following Peter’s sermon at the Temple Mount. That’s a lot of people! The traditional theory is that these new believers travelled a ways from the Temple Mount to get baptized in the river.…

The Beautiful or Triple Gate (Biblical Archaeology) | 13 min

In Acts 3 Peter and John meet a lame man at the Beautiful Gate (or Triple Gate) on the Temple Mount of Jerusalem. You can still see where this gate stood today and the three arches that give it the name “Triple Gate”. Join us as Michael takes the opportunity to dig a little deeper…

The Seal of the Prophet Isaiah (Biblical Archaeology) | 4 min

Dr. Eilat Mazar is a renowned archaeologist whose discoveries helped uncover the biblical record under Jerusalem. One of those discoveries was a bulla, also known as a clay seal that would have been used to seal letters. Hundreds of bullas have been found and they typically carry the symbol and name of the writer (such…

The Trumpeting Stone (Biblical Archaeology) | 8 min

When visiting the old city of Jerusalem you might hear claims that there never was a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount. However, there is archaeological evidence that says quite the contrary. One of these is the trumpeting stone, a place where one was instructed to blow the shofar to announce the beginning of Shabbat.…

Ketef Hinnom: Valley of Hinnom, the Silver Scrolls (Biblical Archaeology) | 14 min

Gabriel Barkay, an archaeologist, used student volunteers to help him with his dig in the valley of Hinnom in 1979. This site unexpectedly became a significant discovery for Biblical Archaeology. Dr. Barkay kept sending one of the very bored volunteer children back into a cleaned out tomb hoping to get some peace. It turns out…

King David’s Tomb (Biblical Archaeology) | 18 min

Just outside of the old city of Jerusalem, to the south lies the city of David, an active Biblical Archaeology site uncovering King David’s palace. Go a bit further and you will find a peculiar area that’s often ignored between the Gihon spring and the Pool of Siloam. This site has gone through many changes…

Hezekiah’s Broad Wall (Biblical Archaeology) | 8 min

Isaiah 2:10 and Nehemiah 3:8 both make references to the “Broad Wall” King Hezekiah built in Jerusalem. Archaeologist have excavated this wall and you can find sections of this wall exposed in the old city of Jerusalem. Join us as we look at archaeological evidence the remains provide and how they show evidence for the…

Seashore Sessions (2023): What is going on? / Why the Bible matters | 40 min

Why the Bible matters? Many are wondering if the Bible is still relevant to current events and life. This series was developed for the apologetics portion of our Marine Biology adventure course. Originally titled “Seashore Sessions: What’s Going On?”, this series is aimed to help teens and young adults think about how to make sense…

Why are there different Bible translations? | 13-25 min

Why are there different Bible translations? Is there one better than the other? Is there a correct Bible translation? Why so many different Bibles? These are many questions you may have asked yourself when trying to figure what Bible to use or recommend for a Bible study. Did you know that some translations were developed…

Abide In Me: John 15 (7-32 min)

John 15:1-11 is a popular section of scripture that you may have heard in a Sunday morning service or used in a Bible study. We often remember the picture of grapes on a vine or the main line “Abide in Me,” but have you ever stopped to look at the details of what Jesus is…

The Jerusalem Files (Biblical Archaeology) | 8-47 min

Need evidence for the Bible? Let’s go to Jerusalem! This video series contains short biblical archaeology lessons based around the city of Jerusalem that we filmed on one of our Biblical Archaeology tours (Join us for the next one here). Join us as we travel around the city looking at some neat archaeological finds! Explore…

The Scribe who missed Christmas (Based on Matthew 2) | 33 min

Have you almost missed Christmas? Some circumstances can make it hard to feel festive and joyful during this season. Some even reject the whole reason we celebrate Christmas. In this special audio drama performance based on events from Matthew 2, we meet a scribe who also missed Christmas. CREDITS: Stock Music provided by mv_production, from…

Hope turns into Joy! (Based on Acts 3 & 4) | 31 min

In this special theatrical presentation, we meet the lame man from Acts 3 & 4. Every day he sits at the Beautiful Gate begging for coins until he is healed by Peter and John. What we often miss is that this man is nearly 40 years old! This means he likely saw Jesus come to…

Thanksgiving Blessings | 46 min

Happy Thanksgiving!!! How has your year been? It can be hard to see the good things when your year has been filled with heartache, pain, and disaster. Often, we can fall into depression and start to believe that God has abandoned us. This is not what scripture teaches us. Through the examples of scripture and…

The Armor of God | 18-29 min

Ephesians 6:10-20 is one of the most popular Bible studies about spiritual warfare referred to as the Armor of God. Paul specifically uses the image of a Roman soldier as he is writing to Christians in the Roman world who would have seen this armor every day. Paul also assigns specific attributes to the different…

Basics Of Apologetics Course | 35-60 min

The purpose of this apologetics course is to help new believers (and maybe not so new believers) get started in apologetics. This course will help you understand the building blocks of your faith and be equipped to investigate the difficult questions about your beliefs. Welcome to our course on apologetics for beginners! What is The…

Archaeology of the Book of Daniel | 16-31 min

Many critics and skeptics of the Bible like to focus on the Book of Daniel, citing this book as some of the best evidence that the Bible is false. Throughout this series we will look at the evidence that supports this amazing book. Introduction: the Skeptics (22 min) This introduction addresses the seven skeptical claims…

Give Me a Reason To Believe: Evidence of Bible History | 43 min

If the Bible is true, we should be able to find evidence of Bible history in archaeology. Did you know there has never been one provable archaeological discovery that disproves the Bible? There have been tens of thousands of archaeological discoveries that support the Bible! Here are a few of these discoveries: “House of David”…

Give Me a Reason to Believe: Evidence for the Resurrection | 50 min

The resurrection is the cornerstone to salvation and the Christian faith. Without Jesus’ resurrection, there is no reconciliation with God and only condemnation for the world. This supernatural event is highly contested and many theories have circulated to attempt to explain the resurrection as a sort of magic trick or organized deception. Do these theories…


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