We are His workmanship (Ephesians 2:10) | 38 – 57 min

This course was hosted by Riverside Bible Camp in Amherst WI at their annual Family Camp Retreat. Thank you to Darrie and the entire Riverside staff for making this weekend successful!

We are his workmanship. Just as a sculpture is the workmanship of an artist, how are we God's workmanship in Ephesians 2:10?
Just as a sculpture is the workmanship of an artist, how are we God’s workmanship? Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

This course is designed around the theme verse Ephesians 2:10 (NASB): “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” You may wondered what “we are His workmanship” means. Throughout this course we will examine the gritty details of this scripture and what that means for our Christian walk.

The Masterpiece (session 1) | 30 min

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The first session explains what it means to be a masterpiece, or “God’s workmanship.” Masterpieces are not created overnight and can be very difficult to work on. In our Christian lives obedience to God can sometimes seem to cause suffering and discomfort. In Corinthians it says the Spirit is making us more like his Son. What does this look like in our daily lives?

Unsplash Photo Credits: https://unsplash.com/
Bankim Desai, James Coleman, Jonathan Caliguire, Ilona Frey, Nathan Dumlao, Alireza Naseri

Why do I exist? | 48 min

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This session focuses on what the Bible has to say about our purpose. If God created us, wouldn’t He have a reason? What or who should we be living for? What is the value or our life on earth?

Unsplash Photo Credits:https://unsplash.com/
James Coleman, Joshua Earle, Calvin Craig, Andrei Nihil, Isaac Quesada, Aditva Romansa, Mathia P R Reding, Adam Wilson, Aaron Burden, Nathan Anderson, Manh Phung, Anna Earl

Other Photo Credits: Answers in Genesis, Robert J Fisch, Nick D

A new creation | 38 min

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In this session you will learn about what it means to be a new creation in Christ with the help of caterpillars and butterflies. Scripture uses a specific word to describe our transition from death to life: metamorpho’o. From “metamorpho’o” we get the terms “metamorphosis,” “transformed,” and “transfiguration.” Why is it important to understand we are “a new creation”? How does this change our perspective on how to live?

Unsplash Photo Credits:https://unsplash.com/
James Coleman, Joyful, Bankim Desai, Aaron Burden, Alfred Schrock, Maggie Wernet, Stormseeker, Sandy Millar, Austrian National Library, Frank McKenna, Bruno Van Der Kraan, Damon On Road, Tristan Gevaux, Gayatri Malhorta, Ben White, Charl Folscher

Other Photo Credits: Vecteezy, The Enchanted Tree, Raphael, Cyancorax

Salt of the Earth | 57 min

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This session will dive deep into a very popular verse among Christians from Matthew 5:13 about being the “Salt of the Earth.” What is often missed in this teaching from Christ is the significance of salt to first century people. Why did Christ specifically use salt? Salt is incredibly important for trade, preserving foods and even creating medicines in our modern world. It had similar uses in the first century and was so valuable that it was used as a form of currency. There are a few different modern interpretations of this verse but what would have first century Christians understood? What is the significance of this teaching?

Unsplash Photo Credits:https://unsplash.com/
James Coleman, Pavel Nezmanov, Sebastien Goldberg, Marcos Paul Prado, Karin Hiselius, Brian Patrick Tagalog, Mrin Photography, Edson Saidana, Charles Deluvio, Melanie Wasser

Other Photo Credits: Gutenberg.org, Money Museum, Carl Bloch, Larry Jacobsen

We are His workmanship! Suggested courses:

Keep digging in God’s Word this week!

Keep The Fires Burning: How to Keep Faith Going | 23-55 min

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The Armor of God | 18-29 min

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Basics Of Apologetics Course | 35-60 min

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